This Is a Hard One For Me: For months and months now (maybe a year!) Shiloh has been in nap transition. Her need for a nap doesn't really catch up with her until around 3:00 or 4:00pm. If she naps then, she wakes up an hour or two later, then is ready to stay up until 12:00 or 1:00. If she doesn't nap then, by 5 or 6 it's so awful. She's exhausted and cranky and so sensitive (as I would be if someone was telling me I couldn't go to sleep). But I need to keep her up until atleast 7 or she still doesn't sleep through. I try soothing her. I try comforting her, distracting her. I'm not into trying to convince her she's not feeling what she's feeling, but I also am trying to keep her even-keeled. Meanwhile Iva has needs too at this time of day. She's a little tired too, plus it's dinner. Interestingly, once we get past this tough period, that is once it is, say 7:00, she gets her second wind and might stay up playing happily until 9:00. We've managed thus far, but I am amazed that it's lasted so long. I mean, it was really different and easier with Iva so this is a new experience for me. But I'm worried that I'm implanting in Shiloh this precedent to ignore her body's messages (ie "You're sleepy") , and I feel like it is a real point of conflict between us, even if I am trying to be supportive. The thing is, her staying up until 1:00am just will not work for our family. It's not just that I want her to go to bed at a "proper" bedtime or something. And maybe for some families it would present no problem. But I really need this evening space to get myself recharged for the next day. It is my quiet down time, and regular solitude is essential for me. When I don't get it, I can definitely tell a difference in my ability to parent creatively and patiently the next day. This time of year Keith is only working two jobs, instead his spring/summer three/four (depending on whether you consider running a plant nursery and doing farmer's market as one or two jobs.) Oh, wait, I forgot he is doing a part-time construction job 2 days a week now. Add in another job. He doesn't get any space for himself either. But I'm talking space from the little ones, so that I can be a good mom. It is really the only non-kid space I get, except for 7 hours at work once a week. But that's not my time either, in the sense of getting myself grounded. So it's a toughy. I'm not trying to bitch too much about how busy we are, I'm just trying to explain that I've tried to convince myself that maybe I should just let her stay up with me, which sometimes I do. But that is just not sustainable for us right now. I've tried making quiet time earlier in the day, like around 1:00 (or even 2 or 3 when I can tell she's really tired) and encourage her to take a nap then. She just hangs on and fights it. Amazing. She's such a beautiful person, so unwilling to miss a second of this exciting world. I feel so sad for her when she's so sleepy and I'm telling her "you can't go to sleep right now". Any ideas?
Must Keep Knitting
About Me
- Name: Aimee
- Location: Southern Indiana, United States
I love to knit. I knit too much, maybe. I work one day a week at the LYS, and the rest of the time I am with my daughters. We homeschool/unschool our kids, and plan on doing it for the long haul. We have a fledgling organic farm/homestead that I hope to be more innvolved in as the kids get older, and possibly when the summers aren't quite so humid. I'm a strong advocate for homebirth, breastfeeding and attachment parenting. And yet my kids still make me crazy sometimes. Knitting is cheaper than therapy, but only marginally in my case. I'm hoping to win the lottery, so I can pay off my house, get solar panels, and buy so much yarn. I do not, however, play the lottery. Housework waits for you. I must keep knitting.
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
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